In a previous article we have already explained how COREDINATE can support you as a building management software - English: "Computer-Aided Facility Management Software". Here you can read the previous article.
Now we would like to refresh what you already know and give you concrete examples from your daily work, where the facility management software COREDINATE will make your work much easier.
Example 1: Scheduling with building management software
Of course, nowadays you don't need to be reminded that using a building management software significantly simplifies the planning and thus also the execution of appointments. You keep the appointments once centrally and the software reminds you or your employees reliably of everything.
You start your work in the COREDINATE portal from any computer. For the planned appointments you create tours, which you fix at control points. Your employees have to work through these on site. You digitally tag the checkpoints with tasks, flex forms or files, assign them to the appropriate employees and can even easily create and assign more complex processes with subtasks using the COREDINATE ticket system. The COREDINATE app reminds your employees on the spot of everything they need to do: Tasks, forms to fill out, etc. Look forward to a time without forgotten maintenance objects, with reliably inspected assets and consistent incident reporting.
Example 2: Documentation with building management software
Whether your customers want a detailed documentation of your work or whether you want to deliver it by default, does not matter with COREDINATE. The Digital Watch Book function is always integrated in our building management software and automatically records all important data (working time, events, etc.). From the COREDINATE portal you have access to the data at any time, can filter it and thus prepare it for your customers. If you would like to forward the reports on a regular basis, you can set this up in our building management software and COREDINATE will take care of the automated regular dispatch for you.
Example 3: lone worker protection with building management software
This part is unusual for a building management software. However, this does not make it any less important, because your employees are often on their own during maintenance and servicing appointments. The COREDINATE all-employee protection offers you the optimal overview and the security that your employees will get help quickly in case of emergency.
You define the time period beyond which your employees are not allowed to be inactive in the app. If this period is exceeded, COREDINATE triggers a pre-alarm. This turns into a so-called "dead man's alarm" if your employee has still not reacted. The emergency occurs: The COREDINATE app establishes a voice connection to a number you specify and sends you the last known GPS data or the last scanned checkpoint of your employee on request. You are ready to act at any time and can take the appropriate steps to quickly recover the person who may have been injured.
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