With a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), you get systematic support for your maintenance processes in-house. This means that with a special software for the maintenance industry you ensure that your and your employees' work is optimized and digitalized. We have summarized four scenarios for which COREDINATE can be useful as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
Scenario 1: Regularly recurring tasks
Whether it is the regularly recurring maintenance appointment or whether it is daily tasks that your employees have to complete – COREDINATE as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) reliably supports you in the completion of all your tasks and reminds you exactly at the right time and in the right place.
You have the option of reminding your employees of tasks that basically need to be completed as soon as they enter the customer's premises, or you can link them to specific checkpoints. When your employee then scans the corresponding point on his tour with his work cell phone, he is reminded of the task(s) by the app. In this way, you create an orderly flow for your employees and prevent individual tasks or objects from being overlooked - an important function of a Computerized Maintena eate an orderly flow for your employees and prevent individual tasks or objects from being overlooked - an important function of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
Scenario 2: Documentation
It's always annoying when, after a maintenance job, it has to be determined that data was not recorded for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a form was overlooked? Perhaps there was no active Internet connection in the meantime and the data was lost as a result? - In any case, it is annoying and causes additional costs if the missing data have to be retrieved.
COREDINATE as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) provides a remedy for this with the standard integrated watch book. This function has its origin in the security industry, but can also be helpful during maintenance. All important information and data are documented chronologically and stored centrally in the COREDINATE portal. You or your employees no longer have to worry about anything, the CMMS software takes care of that. If there is no active data connection, the app temporarily stores all recorded information and transfers it to the portal as soon as the connection is restored. nce Management System (CMMS).
Scenario 3: Paperwork
An important component of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is asset management, i.e. the management of equipment data, manuals, checklists, etc. In the past, your employees had to carry reams of paper with them, in which they then had to search laboriously and for a long time for the right documents. Fortunately, these times were long gone before the introduction of the first Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). COREDINATE, however, makes things a bit easier for you.
With the file manager, you can centrally store and make available all important documents for your employees. No more long searches and no more double and triple checking of nameplates on the most diverse equipment – with COREDINATE as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), you and your employees have all the important information at hand and always know what needs to be done.
Checklists and forms to be filled in can be easily reproduced digitally with COREDINATE's Flexible Forms and then also made available centrally. Since recently, you can also fill in forms via the portal or link them to events, i.e. your employees always provide all the necessary information and you have a consistent picture.
Scenario 4: Evaluations and reports
With COREDINATE as Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) you can create evaluations and reports, whether for your customers or to improve your processes. All it takes is a single mouse click or you filter the data before exporting it as a clean PDF file and then making it available either internally or even to your customers. If your customers regularly request this information from you, you can even set COREDINATE as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to send it automatically.
Of course, there are numerous other possible uses of COREDINATE as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). We have only presented a small excerpt to you here.
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