Since last year's fair had to be cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic and then postponed in spring, we are now especially pleased that SicherheitsExpo München 2021 will finally take place again this year. And COREDINATE will of course be there!
The SicherheitsExpo is one of the most important trade fairs of the year for COREDINATE. There, companies and products are presented that protect you "against criminal attacks from inside and outside", as it says on the homepage of the fair. Security technology from a wide range of sectors is presented at this fair and what makes it special is that the general public is given access. So it is not only an important trade fair from the security industry, but also an opportunity for you as a private person to find out about the latest innovations from this field.
For all information about the "SicherheitsExpo" in Munich, please visit the fair's website.
Where can you find COREDINATE at the security Expo Munich 2021?
We are particularly pleased to have the opportunity to participate in person at the trade fair again this year. For this reason, we have put a lot of effort into preparing our trade show appearance. Our planning is going through the final steps so that we can make the best possible impression on you and present our innovative assistance system COREDINATE to you in a befitting manner.
The SicherheitsExpo Munich 2021 will take place on November 24 and 25, 2021 in Hall 4 of the MOC in Munich. You will find COREDINATE there at booth C08. We are looking forward to welcoming you!
If you would like to visit us at SicherheitsExpo Munich 2021, we would be happy to invite you.
You are not yet using the COREDINATE® guard control system? Then it's time to put our test set through its paces for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.