Checkpoint scans

Control point scan, capture, scan, NFC, beacon, GPS
Checkpoint scans

Proof of presence is the most important function of an online guard control system. With pre defined checkpoints plotted on the guard patrol route, presence is proven by the guard scanning NFC checkpoints or entering the pre/set radius of a GPS point. Forget about expensive special devices that your team has to carry around additionally. For COREDINATE, all you need is a smartphone (Android or iOS) with NFC function, which you can also use as a duty cell phone.


Crosscall Smartphone mit COREDINATE Wächterkontrollsystem


All scan records are transmitted to the portal in real time and are thus "secured away". Gone are the days when you could only notice that half of the bookings were missing when reading from your data collector. If there is no data connection (e.g. in an underground car park), COREDINATE stores the scans temporarily and transmits them as soon as there is reception again. These are the new offline scans.

Your advantages

You can save yourself the tedious collection and readout of hand scanners in the future. COREDINATE transmits all data in real time and serves them to you on a silver platter in our portal.

In our case, it has made the workflow much faster and more efficient, as the data collected via the mobile app is immediately available on the PC or tablet and also when accessing the customer. There is no need for a data collector where the data only has to be read out after the tour, and the area manager and the customer can follow virtually "live" where the guard is currently on the move.



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