Incident logging
Remember rain-smeared notes on which you first had to decipher your employee's barely legible handwriting to know what happened last night? In the future, your team will be able to record incidents while they are on patrol and transfer them directly to the COREDINATE portal. If they also use the dictation function, typing is no longer necessary and the texts are entered in perfect English.
According to the motto "A picture paints a thousand words", a proof photo can be attached to the report at any time. Additionally, with flexible forms, it is possible to create custom report templates, guiding the officer to document the relevent information to the releevant incident type. This way, you are virtually live from the portal. By the way, COREDINATE collects the detected events for later evaluations in the customer meeting.
Your advantages
Everyone knows this situation: An employee calls and needs a decision about an Incident on site. If he has created the incident report within COREDINATE, in the future a quick glance at the portal or receipt of a notification will suffice and you will know what happened when and where. In addition, several hours of rework per month are eliminated, since the events are already cleanly recorded and can be forwarded directly to the customer – if desired.
Our employees have been more than taken with the tools since the first damage report at the latest, because a photo sometimes says more than long-winded descriptions.
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