
Tasks, tasks, todos, management, organization, administration

It is not uncommon for security guards to take on small but important tasks on their rounds. If they are forgotten, you usually only find out after the end of the shift from the disgruntled customer. With COREDINATE you can create any number of tasks and even assign them to individual checkpoints. If your employee scans this checkpoint, COREDINATE immediately points out the due task.


These tasks can even be tied to a specific time (e.g. only on Wednesdays from 9 p.m.) and are only displayed when they really have to be completed. But then COREDINATE wants a feedback – was the task done? If yes, everything is fine. If not, a justification is due. And you see everything live in the portal.

Your advantages

You will never hear the phrase "I forgot" or "I didn't know" again in the future, because COREDINATE reliably points out all due tasks - and at a time when it is still possible to react and not only when the customer notices it.

In direct comparison with other systems, COREDINATE stands out in particular due to the intuitive handling of the process protocols and instructions for action. In addition, customer requests can be responded to quickly and flexibly through the online portal.



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