Security service Dobermann Security
- Managing Director Hendrik Ober
- 25 employees, 3 of whom are employed at the Wernburg Vaccination Center
- Main task: control of cooling temperature and number of vaccine doses
Used COREDINATE functions
- Tour planning
- Tasks
- Flexible forms
The initial situation
The security company Dobermann Security has been able to fight its way through the COVID pandemic quite well so far. Although the crisis has led to some customers having to close their stores and offices, which Dobermann Security had previously guarded, it has also opened up new opportunities for the security service. More precisely, Dobermann Security has received the task of guarding one or another vaccination and testing center.
The work at the vaccination center in Wernburg presented the security service with tasks that were not unknown until then, but the significance of the pandemic for society brought with it a new level of responsibility. For this reason, Managing Director Hendrik Ober decided to look for a modern software solution for his company. This way, he wanted to support his employees in the important daily tasks at the vaccination center.
Everyday work with COREDINATE
In total, Hendrik Ober employs 25 people, 3 of whom share the shifts in the vaccination center. One of them is Bernadette Betz. She was responsible in advance for planning the tour of the vaccination center and creating it in the COREDINATE portal. In addition to creating the tour, this also included listing and assigning tasks and creating forms that Bernadette Betz and her colleagues have to fill out during the shift.
Tour planning
The most important task in the vaccination center is to check and record the constant refrigeration temperature and the number of vaccine doses. The checkpoint attached to the refrigerators should therefore be approached and scanned several times during the tour. So Bernadette Betz simply added the checkpoint at the refrigerators several times into the tour when planning the tour.
Since the refrigerators are to be checked at regular intervals, not only is the entire tour planned around them, but it is also secured by additional scheduling in the COREDINATE portal. In principle, a tour with COREDINATE can be carried out at any time. By means of the repetition rules, certain times can be defined at which certain control points are scanned or tasks are completed.
For example, for the tour of Bernadette Betz's vaccination center, it was determined that the refrigerators must be checked every two hours from the start of the tour.
Bernadette Betz could have done the same with the task "Check refrigerators". For tasks, too, it is possible to use repetition rules to specify the time interval at which they must be completed. However, since checking the refrigerators is such an important and central point of the tour of the vaccination center, the decision was made to schedule it at the highest level of the tour.
Other tasks include checking the doors and windows in the room where the refrigerators have been placed. This task is displayed as soon as Bernadette Betz or one of her colleagues scans the checkpoint at the refrigerators. This did not even require the purchase of a new duty cell phone, because the existing one already uses the necessary technology to be able to scan the checkpoints.
At COREDINATE, the decision is between NFC, Bluetooth and GPS checkpoints. For the vaccination center, NFC technology was the obvious choice because on-site security personnel move around small, manageable areas. For a more expansive site, which might also require vehicle access, GPS technology is suitable. So-called Bluetooth beacons are similar to NFC technology in their characteristics, but cover a larger radius, which is not required in the case of Dobermann Security. It is necessary that the employees on site actually go to the refrigerators to record the temperature and number of vaccine doses. So the scan using NFC is just the right choice here, but it could also have been combined with the other available technologies from COREDINATE.
Flexible forms
In order to be able to document the temperature and number of vaccine doses in the refrigerators, Bernadette Betz has created a document with the additional function Flexible Forms that can be filled out digitally. Here, she and her colleagues can easily enter and save both pieces of information. To ensure that this actually happens, she has linked the form to the task "Check refrigerators" so that this can only be indicated as completed when the associated form has also been filled in.
With COREDINATE, almost any paper form can be converted into a Flexible Form. This allows for the standardization and neat completion of all documents necessary for the successful completion of a security tour.
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