Fischers Brandschutz
Owner Klaus Fischer chooses COREDINATE as modern assistance system
- Dates
- Checklists
- Documentation
The initial situation
Klaus Fischer, managing director of Fischers Brandschutz, is faced with the problem of making his company more digital. He is looking for an intuitive and user-friendly software solution that will enable him to plan and cleanly carry out the extensive maintenance rounds at the various facilities his company services. Ideally, not much additional equipment should be needed.
The tours of his employees include many stations: Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, ladders, etc. must be regularly checked and maintained. The whole thing must also always be documented consistently and reliably, which has meant a lot of rework for his employees and also for him after the walkabout so far. This has cost a particularly large amount of time if an employee has not filled in a form at all or has not filled it in correctly, as the loose paper documents harbor too much scope for self-interpretation or the risk of being lost.
For this and other reasons Klaus Fischer has chosen COREDINATE.
Everyday work with COREDINATE
COREDINATE is a modern system with intuitive usability and a good price-performance ratio. The initial setup is also easy thanks to the friendly support. Only the teach-in of the control points to be installed took some time due to the high number of devices to be maintained. However, this one-time expenditure of time was worth it, if only because maintenance visits to customers now take place without the need for clipboards and additional folders.
An employee opens the app on his smartphone and scans the checkpoint on the first floor of the office building. Only the maintenance due dates appear on the display, as well as the floor plan to make it easier to find the objects. With the scan at the corresponding fire extinguisher, the checklists and the maintenance manual of the device type become visible. This saves the employee a long search for the relevant documents. In general, Klaus Fischer's employees are happy not to have to rely on their paper documents anymore, but instead to now be able to access all documents conveniently from their work cell phone with COREDINATE.
Klaus Fischer himself can follow the progress of his employees almost live from the portal, because all data is transferred in real time from the COREDINATE App to the COREDINATE Portal. Thus, directly after completing the first task, Mr. Fischer sees that the inspection report including defects has been properly created and can be made available to the customer immediately. Should this not be the case, he could intervene immediately and thus minimize the risk of rework after the end of the round.
Overall, the amount of rework for Klaus Fischer and his employees has been drastically reduced. Thanks to the automated documentation of COREDINATE, known as the Digital Watch Book, it hardly ever happens anymore that forms are missing after the walkabout. The app automatically records all incidents during the walkabout and stores them chronologically in the portal.
Since the introduction of COREDINATE in his company, Klaus Fischer can concentrate with a clear conscience on driving forward the strategic issues, while the operational is supported by a reliable assistance system. The functions appointments, checklists and documentation are easy to handle.
Whether it is a matter of recurring appointments or individual occurrences does not make much difference with COREDINATE. You can plan both with a few clicks in the COREDINATE portal via the applicable tour and store them in the appropriate place. For this purpose, use the recurrence rules when creating appointments or appointment lists.
Or you leave the order in which the individual stations of a tour are to be worked through to your employees. Then they are simply reminded of all due dates and tasks when they enter the plant.
Using the COREDINATE Flexible Forms function, you can transfer almost any form from paper format to digital form. This not only gives you extreme flexibility, but also ensures that you always receive only the information you need. You can provide the individual fields with answer options, from which your employees can then select the appropriate ones. And all mandatory information is also reliably requested by marking the corresponding fields as mandatory.
The COREDINATE Digital Watch Book has its origins in the security industry, but also serves as a reliable partner for documentation in the maintenance industry. All completed activities, recorded events, completed tasks, etc. are automatically saved by the COREDINATE App and "saved away" chronologically into the COREDINATE Portal. An additional workload for the documentation of your work or the work of your employees is thus almost completely eliminated.
Only when creating reports for your customers or your internal documentation you may still have to edit the data using the numerous filter options in the COREDINATE portal. The regular dispatch of these documents can in turn be automated.
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