Event recording, evaluations and access for customers

Overview, evaluations, security company, analysis, online guard patrol control system

Your Security Services

  • Working in the security industry for 10 years
  • Management Oliver Busch


  • Event logging
  • Evaluation
  • Customer access 

The initial situation

Since Oliver Busch's company Your Security Services has been convincing with its impeccable work for 10 years, the managing director of Schneider-Werke was convinced by the personal recommendation and decided to commission the security service for the permanent guarding of the two main plants. Oliver Busch is pleased with the offer made to him during the initial meeting. The pay is right and the tasks are so extensive that he can even hire new staff. However, the plant manager of Schneider-Werke, Georg Haussen, has one condition: True to the motto "trust is good, control is better," he wants to be precisely informed about all rounds, conspicuities and, of course, working hours and duration and always "promptly."

This would mean that after the shift, detailed reports still have to be written and, if necessary, accompanied by photographs of evidence, because with the rudimentary functions of the current guard control system, Your Security Services cannot get around this extensive paperwork. Oliver Busch asks Schneider-Werke for a few days to think things over. In the office, he exchanges ideas in his security group on Facebook and repeatedly receives the hint to test COREDINATE.

Everyday work with COREDINATE

Already at the beginning of the 14-day test phase Oliver Busch is convinced by the easy installation, the support and of course the extensive functions. Due to the comparatively low costs, he purchases 10 licenses of COREDINATE.

Two weeks later, the contract with Schneider-Werke has been signed in the meantime, two of his employees each start their first shift in the plants of the new customer. Plant manager Haussen is present live on the PC from the first checkpoint scan on, because Oliver Busch has granted him access to both tours of the plants in the COREDINATE portal.

Door, security, lock, burglary, key

While Georg Haussen can only satisfy himself that the guards are following their route properly, the head of Your Security Services already knows more: for the checkpoint of the annexe of Plant 2, he has just received a picture the most practical form of event recording of a broken lock on the entrance gate. Mr. Haussen will learn about this immediately after the end of the checkpoint, after Oliver Busch has created a pdf file with all evaluations with just one click and sent it to his client. Mr. Busch is satisfied: This is the first time that he can finish the service at the same time as his employees.

Oliver Busch was able to get a reliable partner for his security service in COREDINATE. COREDINATE has primarily provided the company with the functions event recording, evaluations and customer access for an optimal improvement of the company processes and an enormous time saving. In this way, the workload after hours could be significantly reduced.


Event logging

Incidents during the control rounds can be easily recorded and documented with COREDINATE. With the photo function of the duty cell phone, events can be registered visually and this alone requires less effort than a lengthy description of the incidents. If additional explanations are required, this information can either be recorded in writing by typing it into the cell phone or the COREDINATE app can take over the employee's description via dictation. Either way, it is ensured at all times that all necessary information about the event has been recorded cleanly and without gaps.

Evaluations, reports, documentation, KPIs, figures


Whether for the customer or for the company's own documentation: COREDINATE enables simple evaluation of the scanned control points, recorded events, completed tasks – in short, of everything that goes on during the tour. The information is all automatically and chronologically stored via the Digital Watch Book function and can be easily customized afterwards for the preparation of various reports by means of a few clicks and numerous filters.

In addition, reports can be sent automatically with COREDINATE at a set rhythm. This becomes particularly interesting when customers do not have access to the COREDINATE portal.Kundenorientierung_Icon

Customer access

The other option is to grant the customer access to the COREDINATE portal. This access can be restricted to certain areas of the portal or full access can be given. Thus, customers always know as much as the security service and do not need to be informed additionally.



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