Time tracking and notification

Head office, OWKS, security company, property protection, overview, surveillance, SAAS

Secure GmbH: 

  • Thomas Ammer is managing director of Secure GmbH
  • He would like to record the times of his employees
  • In addition, improve communication within its teams and make it more secure

Used COREDINATE functions

  • Time recording
  • Communications

The initial situation

Thomas Ammer has been running the security company Secure GmbH since his father Harald retired. Since then, he has been trying in small steps to digitize the company and optimize outdated processes. Next on his to-do list are the items time recording and secure communication within the team.

At the SicherheitsExpo Munich, Thomas Ammer comes across COREDINATE. The company is represented with a large booth at the fair and through the competent advice of the employees on site, Thomas Ammer learns that the guard control system can help him to cope with the items on his list. Still on site, Thomas Ammer orders three licenses for COREDINATE.

Everyday work with COREDINATE

With the help of COREDINATE Support, setting up the assistance system is child's play. Via the COREDINATE portal, Thomas Ammer can activate all necessary functions, he can store all files for his team and plan and create the rounds of his security staff. He installs the COREDINATE app on the duty cell phones of his employees. All tours can be used on the go via the app.

During the briefing, Thomas Ammer is initially met with skepticism. Many of his employees have been part of the company for a long time and are therefore experienced, but also somewhat inflexible. It remains to be seen to what extent COREDINATE can convince here.

Time tracking, time, clock, tracking, working time, attendance

Time recording

To make it as easy as possible for his team, Thomas Ammer decided to have the time recording via COREDINATE App start and end automatically by scanning a checkpoint, namely when an employee scans the first checkpoint on site.

In the COREDINATE portal, Thomas Ammer was able to define the start or end point of the respective rounds very quickly and easily in advance. However, in order to remain flexible and to leave his team a certain degree of autonomy, the time recording can also be started or ended manually. This is helpful if, for example, no control points have yet been attached to new objects or if a tour has to be ended prematurely.

Messages, chat, news, notification, communication


It has long been a thorn in Thomas Ammer's side that communication in the company mainly takes place via WhatsApp. This is not only questionable from a data protection perspective, but also means that Thomas Ammer and his employees are never really off work.

Users, Roles, Rights, Access, Overview, OWKS

To counteract this, internal company communication is to take place only via COREDINATE in the future. Thomas Ammer issues the corresponding authorizations via the COREDINATE Portal during setup. For employees who are also to use the COREDINATE Portal, he has more options available than for employees who only use the COREDINATE App. This means that not only can messages be read from the COREDINATE Portal, but they can also be managed and written.

Messages, Assignment, Create Message, OWKS, Communication, Digitization

If a message is now written, all employees concerned receive it on their work cell phone or can read it in the COREDINATE portal. Thomas Ammer can individually assign who exactly receives the respective message. He can create groups or address individual employees and thus remains completely flexible. Assignment to specific customers or checkpoint areas is also possible.

For Thomas Ammer and his company, the introduction of COREDINATE has brought significant advantages. Business and private matters are now neatly separated and securely housed within a single system. Time recording runs flawlessly and, if desired, completely automatically. At the same time, nothing is lost in terms of flexibility, because with COREDINATE, employees can enter a lot of things manually if they wish.


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