Tour planning, checkpoints and GPS

Security Aces, OWKS, security companies, maintenance, processes, construction sites, digitalization

Security Aces

  • Helena Gröber wants more support in digital form for her employees
  • Customer Hartung Bau with extensive premises makes circuit planning inevitable
  • COREDINATE test phase convinces

Used COREDINATE features

  • Tour planning
  • File manager
  • GPS checkpoints

The initial situation

Helena Gröber recently took over her father's business and is looking for ways to bring the outdated processes up to speed a bit and, above all, to digitize them. It's a big concern for her, especially since she now sees firsthand how often the company's most difficult customer, Hartung Bau, complains that the tours of its large-scale construction sites don't always go smoothly.

Hartung Bau is active on several construction sites at the same time and these extensive areas are difficult terrain, especially at night. It's no wonder that the safety employees have a hard time reliably running through all the checkpoints with all the equipment and documents they have to carry with them. Helena Gröber would like to see more support for her employees and a way to make at least most of the documents and tasks available in digital form.

Through a Google search, she becomes aware of the online guard control system COREDINATE. The two-week test phase is an ideal opportunity to test the possibilities offered by the assistance system for Security Aces on one of Hartung Bau's construction sites.

Everyday work with COREDINATE

With a little help from the COREDINATE support team, implementing the system is easy for Helena Gröber. She doesn't need any additional equipment, because all she needs to use COREDINATE is a smartphone (Android and iOS) and a desktop PC. The COREDINATE app on the smartphone mainly operates her employees on site, while she keeps an eye on and manages everything from the office via the COREDINATE portal.

Together with Thomas Stahl, the security employee who is to guard the construction site in question at night, she creates a tour for the site. In this way, she can test whether the digital support provided by the OWKS® online guard control system will result in a significant improvement in the completion of the tour. In two weeks, the final results will be presented, but even before that, it quickly becomes clear that COREDINATE is exactly what Helena Gröber was looking for.


Tour planning

With COREDINATE you plan your tours comfortably from your PC via the COREDINATE Portal. These form the basis of the COREDINATE technology. The tours can be equipped with tasks, forms and other useful information for your security staff. Basically, however, they are a precise timetable for your security guards, because you can specify the individual stations in a fixed order.

Tours, route points, sequence, checkpoints, OWKS, SAAS, security industry.

Thomas Stahl is glad that the COREDINATE app always tells him exactly which checkpoint he has to approach next. He can also see exactly where it is on a map. This way, he doesn't have to wander around, and at the same time he can be sure that he won't forget a stop on his tour.

Helena Gröber can follow his progress live from the COREDINATE portal. All data is transmitted in real time, so she can track exactly how far Thomas Stahl has progressed with the tour.

File manager

For the construction site of the customer Hartung Bau, there are various safety regulations to be observed, which Thomas Stahl has had to carry with him on his rounds in the form of a paper folder. It has happened to him once or twice that he has left the folder in the car or that it has fallen into some puddle while he was working. Not to mention that lugging around a heavy folder interferes with his actual guarding work. After all, he can't just throw the folder into some corner if he spots someone unauthorized on the premises who needs to be detained.

With COREDINATE, Thomas Stahl and Helena Gröber were able to digitize all the necessary documents in advance of the mission and upload them to the file manager. This means that Thomas Stahl now has access at all times to all the important information he needs during his tour. He does not have to carry any additional documents with him, because everything is conveniently available in the COREDINATE app and can be retrieved as needed.

And his work cell phone is much less likely to fall into a puddle than a bulky folder.


GPS checkpoints

The extensive terrain of the site to be guarded makes it ideal for the use of GPS checkpoints. With COREDINATE, you can choose from three technologies or even combine them: NFC ("Near-Field Communication"), GPS or Bluetooth. The checkpoints are similar in their basic function, but have different usage requirements.

GPS checkpoints are particularly suitable for large-scale facilities such as the construction site area that Thomas Stahl guards. Here, he does not have to install physical checkpoints, but set them virtually in advance together with Helena Gröber in the COREDINATE portal on a Google Maps map of the site. As soon as Thomas Stahl now enters the checkpoint area during the tour, he can "scan" and confirm it.

The final balance with COREDINATE is consistently positive for Security Aces. Helene Gröber and her employees are convinced of the innovative possibilities of the system and look forward to a smooth and promising cooperation.

The customer Hartung Bau now has less reason to complain about tours not being completed in full, because that is a thing of the past. Thanks to the walk-around planning, all parties involved can rely on the work being completed reliably and completely.


You are not yet using the COREDINATE® guard control system? Then it's time to put our test set through its paces for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.