BRL-Group Security Service

BRL-Group Security Service Logo

Robert Lesch, Managing Director of BRL-Group Security Service, reports on how his company works with COREDINATE®.

Customer interview



The employees are delighted that they no longer have to write so much by hand, but can do everything with the app.

— Robert Lesch, Managing Director
BRL-Group Security Service

 favicon Why should a security service use COREDINATE®?

Because the operation and handling are very simple and easy to understand, above all you don't need an additional guard control unit, you can download the app and off you go!

 favicon How has COREDINATE® optimized your workflow?

It makes your work absolutely easier and, above all, everything is available at a glance; you can access the app from anywhere and monitor everything in "real time".

 favicon How do you rate the usability of COREDINATE®?

Very easy to use and easy to understand for everyone.


 favicon How do you rate the setup and first steps with COREDINATE®?

You are guided step by step by the operator until there are no more questions, that's how I imagine customer service.


 favicon How have your customers/employees reacted to the new possibilities with COREDINATE®?

It's very positive and I'm delighted that you no longer have to write so much by hand, but can do everything with the app.


You are not yet using the COREDINATE® guard control system? Then it's time to put our test set through its paces for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.