Bürener Dienstleistungs & Sicherheitsdienste GmbH

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Marcel Reinecke, Managing Director of Bürener Dienstleistungs & Sicherheitsdienste GmbH, reports on how his company works with COREDINATE®.

Customer interview



Compared to other guard control systems, the setup is very simple and structured.

— Marcel Reinecke, Managing Director
Bürener Dienstleistungs & Sicherheitsdienste GmbH

 favicon Why should a security service use COREDINATE®?

COREDINATE® not only simplifies the work of the security guard on site but also the entire business process. Faster information channels for the customer, easier billing.

 favicon How has COREDINATE® optimized your workflow?

Through COREDINATE®, we save ourselves the replacement of the readers of the conventional guard tour system, and with three locations, the significant time losses are a thing of the past. If a reader was defective, usually all data was lost, that's over now.

 favicon How do you rate the usability of COREDINATE®?

The usability of COREDINATE® is simple and self-explanatory. We have hardly any inquiries from the staff, but also no operating errors. Even when the mobile network failed, no data was lost.


 favicon How do you rate the setup and initial steps with COREDINATE®?

Compared to other guard tour systems, the setup is very simple and structured. The COREDINATE team is also very open and eager to implement suggestions for improvement.


 favicon How have your customers/employees reacted to the new possibilities with COREDINATE®?

Our customers are thrilled; they now always have up-to-date data and can react quickly in their own company.


You are not yet using the COREDINATE® guard control system? Then it's time to put our test set through its paces for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.