How do I create appointment lists?

With appointment lists in COREDINATE, you can exclude public holidays and other special days from your schedule or create other schedules for these days.

With COREDINATE you have the possibility to create appointment lists that you can include in your schedules. For example, if you have daily rounds, but you don't want to run them on holidays or you want to run them differently, you can use these lists to take these holidays out of the normal rotation and, for example, create a different schedule for these days. How to create a schedule list is explained in this article.

In order to use the appointment lists, you need to set the Appointment Lists right in the portal to either See (if you only need to view them) or to Manage so that you can also create or edit appointment lists.

In the portal, please click on Master data, then on Appointment lists. You will see the following screen:




Now please click on + New and an input mask appears on the right where you have to enter a name for the appointment list (recognizable by the yellow bordered field).




The description is a field that does not need to be filled in. Now click on Save, to be able to start entering the dates.




By clicking + New appointment you can now enter a date and to the right of it the name of the day (see above picture). By confirming with Okay your entry is taken over. Alternatively, you can import ready-made appointment lists. At the moment COREDINATE only offers German holidays for import. However, these can be selected according to federal states and you do not have to enter each date by hand.




Now you still need to click on the days you need in the list, but you can check the box to the left of Name and all days will be selected.



After the desired selection, click Import and your appointment list is imported. When you have made all your entries, click in the upper right corner on x Close and your list is ready to be used in scheduling.




How to use your newly created appointment lists in a time planning, please read here.