Using incidents with forms in the app

Record events in the app and link forms that are to be filled out for some event types.

Here we describe how to fill in an event with an attached form. Please log in to the app. If you are in the desired area or have started the corresponding tour, tap on Record event.





You can then select the event type with the form (you can immediately see from the event type that a form is assigned to it).


Once you have recorded the event as usual on the first page and, if applicable, taken your photos, please scroll all the way down and tap on Continue to form.


You are now directly in the input mask of the form and can fill it out as usual and then submit the form. Further processing is then no longer possible.



If you tap on Submit form, you will receive a warning.



If, for example, you are still missing a signature or another mandatory field, you cannot complete the form and the Complete form button cannot be selected. After clicking on Submit form, it is immediately sent to the portal and you return to the previous view (e.g. your tour).