What is the file manager?

The file manager allows uploading and sharing files with the team via app, incl. offline access and encryption. Free of charge up to 100 files.

In the field, despite all the digital technology, it is not uncommon for your employees to still rely on paper documents, which are usually carried in folders. This has decisive disadvantages:

  • The records must be manually distributed to the team.

  • The records must be kept up to date manually.

  • Keeping such documents while on duty is usually anything but secure (e.g., in the company vehicle or publicly accessible). 


Thanks to the COREDINATE file manager, this is now a thing of the past. This function offers the following decisive advantages:

  • Upload any files such as PDF, DOC, XLS or even videos and share them with your team via the app.
  • Files can be easily uploaded via drag & drop through our portal.
  • Decide for yourself whether the files are then only visible to employees on the portal or also on the app.
  • All files can be specifically assigned to certain customers or even areas - but if desired, they can also be visible to everyone company-wide.
  • All files can even be made available offline - so your team has access to the files even when there is no reception.
  • Of course, the files are stored securely and transmitted encrypted.

Important: A file can have a maximum size of 15 megabytes!

You can use the file manager up to 100 files for free. If you need 101-300 files, you can add the Professional package. If you need more than 300 files, we will be happy to make you an offer. You can either call us at 09842 - 80491 - 20 or send an e-mail to support@coredinate.de.

In the following picture you see the graduation again, which you can book in the main menu under master data -> file manager and then right in the tab administration. Here you can also contact us directly if you need more than 300 files




You can use the File Manager free of charge for up to 100 files. If you need 101-300 files, you can book the Professional package




If you have more than 300 files, we will be happy to provide you with a quote. You can either call us on 09842 - 80491 - 20 or send an e-mail to support@coredinate.de.

You can see the scale of the packages if you look in the main menu under Administration -> Modules and then at the bottom under Files.




You can also contact us directly here if you require more than 300 files. To do this, please click on click on Contact us and follow the instructions on the screen.

