Print form output

Form outputs can be printed from the task completion in COREDINATE by clicking Export.

Formularausgaben drucken

Now that we have created a form output, we naturally want to print it out. Again, this only makes sense if the form already contains data. As already mentioned, COREDINATE always accesses forms and outputs via task completion. Each completed form is based on a task that one of your employees has carried out. The following steps take you to the printout:

  1. In the main menu of the portal, first open Work results and then Tasks.


  2. A list of all completed (or uncompleted) tasks will now open – those with a completed form will have the name of the completed form in the Form column on the right-hand side.


  3. Click on the task on which the form you want to print is based, the window will split and the completed form will open on the right-hand side of the screen.


  4. Click on the green Export button and a PDF file will be created and, depending on your browser settings, a window will open where you can select the path to save it or it will be saved directly to the standard download folder, which you can usually access with the CTRL & J key combination.

  5. Click on Without template and COREDINATE will also generate a PDF file of the completed form – but without the background image, i.e. in pure form.