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Choose the Sicherheitsmitarbeiter des Jahres 2024 from 6 candidates

Woman stands in front of a ballot box and casts her ballot for Sicherheitsmitarbeiter des Jahres.

Our jury, including Steffen Ebert (Editor-in-Chief of the trade magazine GIT), Lars Müller (President of BVMS) and Michael Kulig (Managing Director of COREDINATE GmbH), met and selected six candidates from the large pool of applicants who have already achieved great things in their careers as security employees.


The Sicherheitsmitarbeiter des Jahres award is always an exciting one as it recognises and celebrates the tireless dedication and commitment of professionals in the security industry. Security guards play a vital role in protecting lives and property, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the community on a daily basis. The award, initiated by our management (COREDINATE GmbH, the efficient workforce management system) and the Bundesverband Mittelständischer Sicherheitsunternehmen (BVMS), emphasises the appreciation for a very important but often invisible job.

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The following qualified this year:

  • Malik Circi from the Deutschen Bundesbank
  • Florian Czyzniewski from the Pond Security Werkschutz GmbH
  • Rashid Naseer Gill from the RWS Security GmbH
  • Christian Rockus from the Klüh Security GmbH
  • Michael Romaschevski from the Al-Sali Sicherheitsdienst
  • und Uwe Wehrbach from the GSB Security GmbH


Of course, we are keeping our fingers crossed for every single applicant!

We'd like to take this opportunity to provide a some advice for the registration and prizes for Security Employee of the Year, which might be useful for one or two candidates next year: In order to be selected by the jury, as much information as possible must be provided about the professional assignment and special incidents. It is difficult for the jury to get a picture of each individual candidate based on only a photograph and a few half-sentence statements.

The award not only recognises the individual applicants and their exceptional commitment to safety. Rather, it also stands for the entire industry, which is still heavily underrepresented in our society and often does not enjoy a very good reputation.


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The event also provides an excellent platform for networking and exchange between security experts and contributes to the further professionalisation of the industry. In addition to an Amazon voucher worth 500 euros, the lucky winner of the title of Sicherheitsmitarbeiter des Jahres 2024 will also be able to enjoy a night at the NH Hotel in Nuremberg, where the award ceremony will take place at the end of April at the BVMS Annual General Meeting. But the achievements of the runners-up will not go unrecognised either. You can find more detailed information about the prizes here.

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Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to every single security worker out there. Their efforts make all our lives safer. This award is a small token of our appreciation and thanks for your indispensable work.




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