Create teams (groups of employees) in the portal

Teams are used to assign your employees to groups more easily to customers and/or areas.

With the Teams function, you can group individual employees together and assign them to different customers and/or areas and, if required, also assign the same rights to the employees in the team.

All with a few clicks and without much effort.

To be able to create a team, you need the corresponding rights in the portal. Please click on Administration in the main menu on the left and then on Teams underneath.


Now please click on the blue button +Create team in the upper right corner and give the team a name (e.g. Precinct 1) and then click on Create.




The window splits, so you are on the general information page and now you can select the employees to be added to this team by clicking on the Employees tab,



Simply click on the gray box in front of the name and then on Apply in the lower right corner.




Once the employees have been added, please click on the Responsibilities tab at the top and click on Edit – a popup will open where you can select here which customers and/or areas the team should be assigned to.



Last but not least, you can now optionally assign global rights for this team. To do this, click on the Roles tab and select which rights the employees in this team should have.




If an employee has only limited rights (e.g. only App User) and you assign a higher right here (e.g. Administrator), the rights for all employees are set to Administrator.

Do not select anything at this point, so each employee retains their individual right.


Please note:

If you click the Remove all assignments button for a user,


you will get a warning message in the portal and the user will not be able to log in to the system when you click Confirm and thus the user will not be able to perform his work. When he tries to log in, he then gets this message:




If this user wants to log in to the app, he will get a warning message there as well:



In such a case, only an administrator with appropriate assignments from your company, who manages the portal, can set the assignments again or add this user to a team.


If a user has no more assignments, you can see this immediately in the overview by the orange warning triangle in the Assignments column:




In the individual view of the user you will also be reminded of this once again:

