Reuse forms that have already been filled out

If you use forms, you have the option to reuse them as templates with the last entered values, so you don't have to fill in all the fields again each time.

You have the option of reusing forms that have already been filled out with the values already entered so that not all fields have to be filled out every time an entry is made, but only changed values are replaced. We explain how to activate this function in this article.

When creating a form, you have the option of determining in advance whether this form may be filled out and reused or not. You can specify individually whether you want to release only the fields, only the images or both for reuse. In the portal, please click on Flexible forms in the main menu on the left.


Here you can either create a new form (we explain how to do this here) or activate an existing form for reuse. Now click on a created form on the right.


Here you now have the option of selecting whether you only want to reuse the data or also the images. 



Once you have made your decision and activated the required fields, click on Save.

You will now see the information and settings for your form again and whether it can be reused with values that have already been entered.

We explain here how the employee can select these forms in the app.