Proof of presence by COREDINATE

Are you the decision-maker when it comes to choosing a security provider for your company?

Then you've come to the right place. Discover what really matters when commissioning a security company and what advantages it brings if the security company has a reliable workforce managment system in use.


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By choosing a security company that uses COREDINATE, you are investing in an advanced, efficient and transparent security solution. Always be informed about the status of your company building, warehouse or commercial premises and ensure maximum security and reliability in your organisation.

Or do you run a security company yourself? Then you can register with us as a reference customer.

Increased transparency and traceability

With COREDINATE Workforce Management System, your contractor can give you real-time access to all relevant data on your security service at any time. Surveillance activities, tour histories and incidents are fully documented and can be viewed at any time via the COREDINATE portal. This transparency enables an immediate response to security incidents and increases the traceability of all measures.

Transparency Icon


Security operation at a warehouse on an industrial site


Optimisation of security processes

COREDINATE allows efficient planning, execution and analysis of security tours. By automating routine jobs, security forces can concentrate on their core competences. This focus on the essentials contributes to a significant improvement in overall security and optimises the use of resources. It reduces the need to pay for unnecessary labour hours, which ultimately leads to cost savings and greater satisfaction for you as the client.

Improved communication

The system offers an integrated communication platform that facilitates the exchange of information between the security staff, their superiors and you. Reports of incidents or irregularities can be sent to you quickly and easily. This allows you to score points with a fast response time and effective problem solutions. Even if there is imminent danger, an operation can be managed with confidence. You can find out more about the COREDINATE messages here.

Man with mobile phone to his ear stands in a large modern office with a view of large screens on the wall


Large futuristic room with many screens in which several employees sit and work at computers in a circle


Adaptability and scalability

Regardless of the size of your company or your security needs, COREDINATE's guard control system can be flexibly adapted to your requirements. We have very satisfied customers in the security industry from 2-man companies to large corporations. Our system can be easily scaled to keep pace with the growth of your business without compromising the quality of your security services. With COREDINATE, you can look to the future with confidence.

Cost efficiency

By optimising security processes and reducing manual tasks, COREDINATE helps to lower the operating costs of security companies. At the same time, the effectiveness of security measures is increased, leading to savings in the long term.

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Large office with conference table where several people in suits sit and look at a large screen on the wall


Adherence to compliance requirements

COREDINATE supports your company in complying with legal regulations and security standards in accordance with the strictest German guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Automated reports and seamless documentation simplify audits. This enables you to respond quickly and efficiently to requests from supervisory authorities at any time, minimising the risk of compliance violations and the associated penalties.

Integrated duty roster

COREDINATE's duty roster module enables security companies to have a clear overview of the security team's shift distribution. This intuitive function facilitates the planning and adjustment of shifts, ensures optimal staffing and an internal shift exchange ensures that reliable replacements are available even in the event of absences due to illness. This means that your properties are always in the best hands. Find out more about the duty roster.

Security guard stands on a bridge at night and watches the passing traffic with a tablet in his hand, a skyline can be seen in the background


Your company in the fast lane! COREDINATE enjoys a high brand value. Take advantage of our brand awareness and advertise with the use of a reliable digital guard control system.


Details of our online workforce management system

Would you like to find out more about the functionalities of our system? Then you are welcome to read on.
More about the Workforce Management System
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