As the ideal partner for your security company, we at COREDINATE not only provide you with our innovative assistance system. We would also like to inform you about all important topics from your industry, including the current tariff in the security service.
Traditionally, we always publish the current tariff in the security service on our website. In doing so, we are guided by the data of the German Federal Association for the Security Industry (BDSW), which it also provides on its website.
Tariffs in the security industry: What has changed in 2021?
Once again this year, collective bargaining was scheduled in the individual German states.
The current agreements for the new tariff in the security service are valid from January 1, 2021, with the exception of Saxony, and fixed until December 31, 2022. However, when the increases are actually implemented in the individual federal states depends on the individual collective agreement.
In all the German states where negotiations were held last year, an average increase of two percent was achieved. In addition, there is an increase in the minimum salary for the lowest wage groups, which was already set at the beginning of 2020.
Collective agreement for security services: What 2022 has in store for you
Since the results of the collective bargaining have been set until the end of 2022, it is likely that negotiations on the tariff in the security service will take place again next year. We at COREDINATE will keep you up to date.
We cannot predict beyond a shadow of a doubt what lies ahead for you and your company beyond new negotiations on the security service tariff. What is certain is that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to keep us on our toes indefinitely, and that it will continue to present new challenges for you as a security company.
In order to give you a little bit of security in planning and optimizing your company processes, we will continue to actively support you as a partner with our guard control system COREDINATE. Let us start together successfully into the new year!
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