Lone Worker Protection

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What is Alarm Intervention and Why is it Necessary?

An alarm intervention refers to the response to a triggered alarm by specially trained personnel who take measures on-site to assess the situation and initiate necessary actions. These measures typically include inspecting the exterior, entering the building, reading the hazard detection system, and searching the interior for the alarm trigger, as well as taking initial steps to mitigate any damage.

The necessity of alarm intervention arises from various reasons:

  • Quick Response to Hazards: Alarm intervention allows for an immediate response to potential dangers, such as break-ins, fires, or technical malfunctions, minimizing or preventing damage.

  • Protection of People and Property: Quick and targeted response protects people and property from harm. This is especially important in buildings with valuable inventory or sensitive data.

  • Avoidance of False Alarms: Trained personnel can quickly determine whether an alarm is genuine or false, preventing unnecessary dispatches of police or fire services.

  • Damage Mitigation: Initial measures to contain damage can prevent larger losses, such as containing a fire or stopping a water leak.

  • Reassurance and Security: The presence of trained personnel provides a sense of security and helps people on-site feel safer and react appropriately.

More Safety for Your Employees with COREDINATE®

With our Lone Worker Protection function, you have a powerful tool at your side that can save lives in an emergency!


Why is Working Alone More Relevant Than Ever for Modern Businesses and What Risks Does It Entail?

Flexible working hours, digitalization, and staff shortages – more and more often, employees are working outside the traditional office environment. Even in field service or classic outdoor jobs, workers are increasingly performing their duties alone. These lone workers are becoming increasingly important for businesses, as maintaining workflows is almost impossible otherwise.

However, lone working also entails risks such as accidents or health problems, as lone workers may not receive immediate help in case of an emergency. Therefore, it is extremely important for businesses to implement appropriate safety measures and support systems, such as a personal emergency signal system, to ensure the safety and well-being of their lone workers.


Management of Workplace Safety

The management of workplace safety involves the organization and monitoring of safety and health protection measures for all employees. The effectiveness of these measures must be continuously evaluated and constantly improved.

What does the management of workplace safety encompass?

Definition and benefits. An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) controls all processes to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace. It includes all internal company activities aimed at protecting the workforce from occupational accidents, illnesses, and health risks. The main focus of an OHSMS is to act as a management process and to encourage the entire workforce to actively participate in the systematic implementation of occupational safety.


What are the benefits of an 
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)?

  • Increased legal security for the company and its management
  • An important criterion when awarding contracts
  • Fulfillment of customer/regulatory requirements 
  • Effective implementation of prescribed occupational safety regulations 
  • Simplified documentation capabilities 
  • Improved employee satisfaction

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